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Greetings, dear co-laborers in Christ,

We trust that you are having a wonderful summer in the Lord! North Alabama is currently experiencing a heat wave and drought unlike anything in recorded history. However, there is much to give thanks for and He is Worthy of Praise regardless of the heat or the circumstances!

We have completed a very full schedule for the first half of the year and the Lord has given us a slower pace and much needed rest the last few weeks. We are anticipating a fuller schedule in the Fall. In the meantime, we wanted to share some of the things that are stirring.

  • Jim has begun his long anticipated and much delayed book. For years, many have felt that Jim had a book in him and now it is beginning to surface. The writing of the first draft is underway and Jim, for the first time, is approaching the task with excitement and expectancy. The working title is: My Journey to Jesus: One Man’s Incredible Journey from Sectarianism to a Living Faith in Jesus Christ. Join us in praying that Jim will be able to draw from his seventy years including fifty in the ministry, those things that God wants included.

  • We continue to call on pastors and ministers in The Ministry of Encouragement. Recently, Jim visited with the campus ministers at the University of North Alabama giving them a copy of When God walked on Campus, the book we studied at the Campus Revival Institute at Yale. Jim and the book were well received.

  • In November, Jim and Anne will be participating in the 35th reunion of the Koinonia Bookstore and Coffee House in Nashville. God gave Jim the vision for this ministry in 1971. The Koinonia Family Reunion will be Thursday evening, November 1 at 7:00 PM in the Factory in Franklin. Al Jaynes is spearheading the effort. Visit the website at

  • In September, Jim and Anne will be participating in Restoration Forum XXV at Ozark Christian College in Joplin, Missouri. This is a unity gathering among Campbell-Stone Restoration Movement churches.

  • Jim and Anne have been gathering with a new, non-denominational church in the Shoals called Point of Recovery – A Simple Church Gathering. In September, Jim will be addressing the group on Religious Addiction.

  • Jim and Anne are continuing to fellowship at Faith Church as well as many other churches in the Southeast as they continue to “cross-pollinate” across the body of Christ.

We will share with you our fall schedule as it comes together. Join us in praying over the items listed above and also for the CSR Board meeting the first week-end of November. We would also appreciate your continued prayers for our children, grandchildren and sons-in-love. Our daughter Holly and her girls have just moved to Kalispell, Montana where our daughter Robyn and her family live. Pray for them as they get established in a new place with a new life ahead of them.

We love you and we realize that only by His Grace and Power and your help can we continue to be involved in kingdom advancement. We humbly request your continued support, as He leads. We love hearing from you. Send us your prayer requests.

Prayerfully and Expectantly,

Jim and Anne

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