CSR Ministries exist to glorify God by encouraging God’s ministering servants, facilitating unity in the Body of Christ, and by serving as a catalyst for revival, spiritual awakening and transformation, both in the U.S. and across the world.
Click any title/photo on this page to learn more.
• visit and pray with pastors, ministers, rabbis and priests
• listen to God’s ministering servants and their challenges
• refer those in need to resources and resource people that can be of further help
• share our own experiences of discouragement, depression and burnout
• conduct conferences and seminars that help ministers prevent burnout and experience God’s fullness in ministry
• help church leaders know how to care for their pastors, ministers, priests and rabbis
• crisis counseling for those in need of emergency care
The following is from our archives. While some of the information may be dated, it provides a good overview of CSR Ministries which we thought you might enjoy.