We hope you enjoy seeing some of the many photos we've gathered from conferences, events, travels, and other CSR gatherings, as well as family photos from the Bevises. If you have any photos which pertain the CSR and/or the Bevises, and if you'd be kind enough to share those with us for posting here, please email copies here.
Jim and AnneA special photo by professional photographer, Brenda Ahearn. | Jim & AnneA special photo by professional photographer, Brenda Ahearn. |
The Bevis' AnniversaryHappy #63! |
Jim and Anne BevisHappy Anniversary! Celebrating 63 Years of Marriage and Ministry Together |
A Family WeddingJim officiating the marriage of Amelia Ann |
63 Years of Marriage
Celebrating their 63rd Anniversary, Jim and Anne have been blessed as partners in ministry and marriage.
Family Album
Photos which are personal to the Bevis family at large.
Jim & Anne
Personal photos of Jim and Anne Bevis - just being themselves.
Jim, Anne, and Mo BrooksJim and Anne Bevis at a special service to honor Israel, shown with Congressman Mo Brooks. Thank you, Congressman Brooks, for all you have done for Israel, and continue to do. |
Jim and Anne in DCJim and Anne Bevis of CSR Ministries in Washington DC. |
National / Political
Photos depicting involvement in national and/or political projects or events.
Jim at Rotary Club |
Rotary |
JimAnneBevisRabbiSchumelBowman.jpgJim and Anne with Rabbi Schumel Bowman from Jerusalem. |
BevisGroupWithRabbiBowman.JPGJim and Anne with Rabbi Schumel Bowman, Director of Operation Life Shield, and Ray and Mary Adams who lead Operation Life Shield in Alabama. |
JimBevisRabbiShumelBowman.jpgJim with Rabbi Schumel Bowman from Jerusalem. Rabbi Bowman is the Director of Operation LifeShield, a ministry that provides bomb shelters in Israel. CSR Ministries is exploring the possibility of sponsoring a bomb shelter. |
Photos from Jim's involvement with Rotary Club.
CSR Photos
Photos which depict some of the many events, projects, and places with which CSR has been involved in our 50+ years of ministry.
Israel-Related Photos
These photos include those which are related to our ongoing commitment to supporting Israel, via projects, events, or otherwise.
Jim's BirthdayJim pictured with 2 of our greatgrands, celebrating his birthday in Atlanta. |
Happy Birthday Jim!Pat and Linda Wallace and Bob Mason, friends from TN, came to help celebrate. Pat and Jim share the same date the 20th of July, and Bob’s Birthday is the 28th. Hillard and Charlotte Matthews also joined us, he and Jim also share the same birthdate All have been longtime friends and supporters of CSR. |
Jim & Anne Bevis With Adolph AbromsCelebrating Adoph Abroms' 90th Birthday |
Special FriendshipsThe Bevises and Abroms |
JurgenBuhler.jpgPresenting Jurgen Buhler, Executive Director of ICEJ, the plaque describing Alabama's vote in 1943 supporting Israel's right to statehood, five years before Israel became a nation. Alabama was the only state to do this. |
ICEJembassyJimAnne.jpgAt the ICEJ Embassy in Jerusalem. |
ICEJEmbassy.jpgICEJ Embassy in Jerusalem |
JimYMCAIsrael.jpgYMCA Building where the Rotary Club of Jerusalem meets. |
AnneStainedGlassAtYMCABldg.jpgAnne in the shadow of the beautiful stain glass in the YMCA building where Rotary meets. |
KeyOfFlorence.jpgJim presenting keys of the city of Florence to the Rotary president of Jerusalem. |
JerusalemRotaryExchange.jpgJim and president of Rotary Club of Jerusalem exchanging club flags. |
AnneJerusalemYMCAsign.jpgA sign in front of the Jerusalem YMCA, a magnificent building just across from the King David hotel. Jerusalem Rotary club meets here. Costs $175 per night to stay at the Y here. My beautiful wife highlights the inscription. |
Inscription.jpgInscription of the Purpose Statement on sign in front of YMCA in Israel for why the YMCA exists. |
JimYMCAsign.jpgAt the sign in front of the YMCA building where Rotary meets in Jerusalem. |
JWhitmoreMNel.jpgTwo precious ladies, Jan Whitmore, next to me, and Mintie Nel, next to Anne. They have a "ministry of encouragement" to missionaries. It was a "God appointment." They are very knowledgeable about Israel and the church here. We plan to get with them again to go to King of Kings Messianic congregation in Jerusalem. God is up to something and it's good. |
Special Moments
An album which features some special moments captured in time.
Special Friendships
A variety of photos with some of our dearest friends.
Photos from Israel
Images captured during the Bevis’ most recent trip to Israel.
Anne & Becky on Ed Sullivan Show |
Anne & Becky |
Old Photos / From the Past
This photo album features precious photos from days gone by.
presented by CSR Ministries and Marriott Shoals Hotel
Tuesday, October 17th, 2006, at Marriott Shoals Hotel
Wagnon Sisters – “My Desire”
Anne & Becky’s RCA record released in 1959. Click "play" and enjoy this catchy tune from the past.